Wednesday 3 February 2010

crystal castles, cider, casserole

Work was fine today, once again I totally got my sweat on for the first couple of hours then didn't have much else to do for the rest of the day. At lunch I was sitting, eating a sandwich (filling=gammon), reading my book ("The Medici Dagger" by Cameron West, it is ok but at times he could do with writing more details and at other times he should write less details) and generally minding my own business when suddenly I was aware that one of our members of staff, who is rather fat, had a bread knife wedge in the money slot of the vending machine trying to push in money that she was convinced was jammed. Then after about 2 minutes of violating the vending machine she started hitting it really hard (she really wanted that chocolate) that's when someone finally told her that the money had just went into the change bit. So she got her chocolate and looked like she might of cried with happiness. After lunch I had so little to do I just came home early.

So I have spent the last hour making a pork and cider casserole, while listening to Crystal Castles. It smells good but still needs to cook for another three and a half hours, but I am starving now. So I think I shall go on the wii for a bit to take my mind off it then after food I have the aweful job of trying to tidy my bedroom, so a rather boring night awaits.

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